Friday, December 5, 2008







Thursday, December 4, 2008


(怡保3 日讯)甲巴央区州议员陆致仁抨击尤仑区国会议员拿督慕克力平地制造种族之间的紧张,尤其是建议统一教育制度的言论,明显罔顾他族存在与感受,只求在激烈的党选中捞取支持票来实现继承老父多年政治霸业的野心。





Monday, November 24, 2008

Petrol: Malaysian paying even more than Americans

I refer to the Malaysiakini report 'Fuel prices not solely dependant on global crude oil prices'.
On Nov 14, it was reported that ‘according to a daily survey for the American Automobile Association, the US national average price for a gallon of regular gasoline is US$2.152.
‘In Missouri where gasoline is the cheapest, a gallon is US$1.864 and is one of nine states with average prices below US$2. The crude oil which makes up roughly half of gasoline prices was settled at US$58.24 for December 2008 delivery’.
If I were to use the conversion of one US gallon is equivalent to 3.7854 litres and one US dollar is equivalent to RM3.5965 as published by Bank Negara Malaysia on Nov 13, then one litre of gasoline in the US is only RM2.0446
According to the US Energy Information Administration, the gasoline price in the US for September 2008 consists of the crude oil at 67%, refining costs and profits at 14%, distribution and marketing costs and profits at 8% and taxes at 11%.
Assuming our Malaysian petrol does not have the tax component since it is a subsidised item and the percentage of the other components in US and in Malaysia are the same, then our petrol price should be RM1.82 per litre.
So even with the latest price cut down to RM2 per litre, we are still paying 10% more than consumers in US.
If I were to add the Malaysian government subsidy of RM0.30 per litre then the actual petrol price for Malaysia after the latest price cut is RM2.30. What is it that makes our petrol more expensive than in the US?
It is really a bad management to ask the rakyat to pay more than what they should and make money out of the sale of petrol just to fund the government projects especially during difficult times like now.
The government ought to reveal to the rakyat the components that make up the price for our petrol and diesel.
I would suggest that the government remove the subsidy and let the market determine petrol and diesel prices but set a minimum and maximum price that petrol stations can sell based on the average price of the previous week.
Meaning the minimum and maximum prices must be adjusted weekly and the difference between the minimum and maximum prices should not be more than 15%.
Perhaps the government should consider subsidy only when the petrol price goes beyond RM3 per litre.
With the latest price cut, the petrol price has fallen to almost the June 5 level while the diesel price at RM1.90 per litre is still 20% higher than the June 5 level.
Most of the transportation related costs that pushed up the prices of many consumer products are diesel related. And the costs for many raw materials were fixed when the diesel price was higher. Therefore, we cannot expect the prices of goods to fall to pre-June 5 level.
But that does not mean these prices should remain at the current level. Though it makes business sense to capture as much profit as possible at every opportunity presented, such a practice will not only hurt the consumers but in the long run, will also hurt businessmen.
So I sincerely hope that government will not make the rakyat pay more than what they should and make money out of the rakyat in this difficult times where many are being/will be retrenched.
I also hope businessmen will show their social responsibility by reducing their products’ prices where possible.

Thursday, November 6, 2008



陆致仁 发稿

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ng Yong Lin – 25岁来自芙蓉,12/10/2008在 Tg.Malim高速公路附近发生严重车祸被送进怡保中央医院,WARD 5A-23。


YB陆致仁州议员接获车祸伤者来自芙蓉的家人投诉,他们对怡保中央医院深感不满,希望院方尽快安排伤者进行手术,因为这名伤者自12/10/2008发生车祸被送进怡保中央医院至到接获投诉当天16/10/2008为此,院方还未安排这名车祸伤者进行手术。这名伤者的父母亲已在医院陪伴和等待院方的安排以便让他们的女儿能尽快进行手术, 但是因为院方的拖延让他们带来不便和伤者的感到不适。

YB陆致仁州议员已和伤者的主诊医生DR. LING沟通过,他已答应我们提出的要求尽快在这两天以内安排这名伤者进行手术。


Sunday, October 12, 2008

UMNO Battle ?

In Depth
Details & Digits
12 October 2008 12 Shawal 1429 24喈氞瘑喈掂瘝喈掂喈? 鎴婂瓙骞?鍏湀 鍒濆叚鏃?/font>

Najib鈥檚 鈥淟ong鈥?Wait, The Final Battle

Date:26 SEPTEMBER 2008 An inside source confirmed with mD on several events that unfolded last week, and especially that during the UMNO Supreme Council meeting there was a serious call for Pak Lah to step down early namely by Muhyiddin, Rafidah and Rais. Two dates were mooted: by end September 2009 and before the 9th October 2008. The earlier date came with a disclaimer, that if Pak Lah continues to be stubborn and not step aside before the divisional meetings, he would stand to not get the required number of nominations. The situation was serious enough for Pak Lah to convene a meeting of his close aides that very night. During the meeting, his advisers convinced him not to resign and keep on fighting. They truly believe that Pak Lah will get the nominations needed to run for the Presidency, which is a minimum of 58 nominations.The next night, a convinced Pak Lah called all the Ketua Perhubungan UMNO Negeri for a meeting to gauge their support. For some this was construed as campaigning which he has said earlier was not to be done especially to Najib鈥檚 boys.What鈥檚 interesting is that during this meeting, the Ketua Perhubungan of Terengganu and Johor were absent without an apology. In that meeting, the only state chief that committed his support to Pak Lah openly was Perlis, while Musa Aman of Sabah only called in to state his support for Pak Lah. Another interesting fact was that Melaka was non-committal, as was all the other states.This scenario must be very worrying to Pak Lah and his aides. Melaka is represented in UMNO by a Vice President, so that makes two VPs - Johor and Melaka 鈥?that seem not to support Pak Lah. In addition, the other VP Isa Samad is a well known grassroots leader (who is equally well known to hold a grudge over Pak Lah) who is clearly against him. This situation is highly unprecedented in the history of UMNO where 3 VPs are not in line with the President of the party. In addition, Pak Lah cannot even count on his home state support, judging from the response Ahmad Said got from all the Penang UMNO divisions that backed him.There are three possibilities for Pak Lah at this moment if he continues with this course of action:1.聽聽聽 He gets a respectable no. of nominations which is more than 75% of the divisions nominate him2.聽聽聽 He gets the required no. of nominations but not a respectable one.3.聽聽聽 He doesn鈥檛 get the required no. of nominations.Playing by the numbers game, his chances of coming out of all this smelling like roses is not very high. This statistic is compounded even more by the current trend in the grassroots who feel that Pak Lah is compromising the Malay agenda to remain in power. As one very senior Selangor UMNO leader pointed out, 鈥淯MNO now chooses power at the expense of the Malay maruah鈥?If Pak Lah decides to continue, the most likely scenario is that he will get the required no of nominations but not respectable enough for an incumbent President. This is as good as a vote of no-confidence in his leadership. If this happens, it is very likely that he will be challenged in December, and the chance of him losing then is very likely.The only one person that has enough support to challenge him is Najib. If the nominations for Najib to be the President come fast and furious, the important question is will Najib go for it? And if Najib doesn鈥檛, what will happen to UMNO since such a strong message has been delivered by the grassroots? Like it or not, Najib needs to go for it if he gets enough nominations. Not to do so will spell the doom for UMNO surely. Pak Lah knows this and so does Najib.Looking at how Pak Lah is stubbornly clinging onto power, no one is discounting the possibility of Pak Lah making some drastic, desperate move to continue to cling. Could it be that Najib鈥檚 cancellation to the UN has something to do with this? Does Najib smell something? One thing鈥檚 for sure, no one should trust anyone in politics and Najib knows this fully well. The next few weeks will be a long wait not only for Najib but even more for Pak Lah.
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Monday, October 6, 2008


Terlebih dahulu saya berharap Ahli-2 DAP baru-2 ini dalam keadaan sihat & selamat datang ke parti DAP.Ahli-2 baru ini terdapat berbilang kaum iaitu:cina,melayu & orang-asli.Pejabat DAP GERIK ini adalah berhampiran dengan Bangunan Wilayah Persekutuan di Gerik.Dan berada di tingkat tiga iaitu kedai baru yang dimiliki oleh Pengerusi cawangan DAP GERIK tersebut.DAP GERIK ini akan menjalankan tugas parti , berbagai-bagai program dan aktiviti-2 misalnya:program dermasiswa,kebajikan orang-2 miskin,kempen-2 kesihatan dan sebagainya. Ahkirnya, sekali lagi saya berucap selamat bertugas dan selamat datang ke keluarga PARTI DAP. SYABAS !!! TERIMAKASEH ! THANK-YOU ! SAY-SAY ! NANDRI-NANDRI -WANNAKAM !!!



Colorful festival that is celebrated by all Hindus worldwide is Deepavali, which is also known as the festival of lights. This festival usually falls around late October and November. One important practice that the Hindus follow during the festival is to light oil lamps in their homes on Deepavali morning. By lighting the oil lamps, the Hindus are thanking the gods for the happiness, knowledge, peace and wealth that they have received. The Hindus consider Deepavali as one of the most important festivals to celebrate.At last i wish all hindus Happy DEEPAVALI n best of HEALTH. From: D A P PERAK. Date:06-10-2008(mon)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

霹行动党党庆创2纪录 - 为民主斗争


霹雳州民主行动党昨晚(28日讯)在怡保举行的“还民公正,还霹雳州辉煌”党庆晚宴, 创下两项历史性纪录,即这是历年来最大型的党庆晚宴,筵开500席,出席者约达5000人,以及首次获准在怡保市政厅广场举行。

主办当局在昨晚这场盛大的晚宴上, 为霹雳州行动党医药基金会进行两项筹款行动,即通过拍卖500个打扪柚子及出动工作人员到每席座上募款,分别筹得6千808零吉及1万零808零吉。

Saturday, September 27, 2008




他说,国人对于首相拿督斯里阿都拉巴达威上任后选择削减补贴,并迭连调高油价让消费人吃不消记忆犹新,尤其首相于2005年7 月调高汽油10仙、柴油20仙,7 个月后(2006年2月)再调高汽油和柴油每公升30仙,同年6 月意犹未尽再大幅调高ROX97及ROX92汽油,每公升飚涨78仙及74仙、柴油涨价1令吉,但却在国际原油价回跌时,于上个月宣布调低两类汽油15至22仙、柴油8仙而降幅不大已经民怨四起;昨天宣布的两类汽油和柴油一律只回降10仙,明显无法平衡民心。


他因此希望政府解释为何国内油价选择在国际价格再次疯涨期间才进行检讨,而不是内阁决定9 月起在每月的首天宣布新油价,毕竟,油价起伏对于国家经济建设,尤其是民间各行各业以及资金流动可谓牵一发动全身,调整不适将让国人深受其害,到头来对国家也毫无裨益。

Saturday, September 20, 2008


For Immediate Release
September 16, 2008 To,YB.MR DIAMOND LOKE..-State Legislative Assemblyman.
Contact information:
Chalida Tajaroensuk (Thai/English): 081 808 5622
Jonathan Fox (English): 086 998 2613

Press Statement

Use of ISA by Malaysian Government violation of Malay Constitution, ASEAN Charter, and International Law.

The arrest of two journalists and one Member of Parliament over the past weekend under the Internal Security Act (ISA) by Malaysian authorities, is in gross violation of the Malay Constitution, ASEAN Charter and international human rights norms, explained Chalida Tajaroensuk, Director of People’s Empowerment in a statement released today.

“The ISA is intended to combat serious threats to public security, not political intimidation” said Ms. Tajaroensuk, in light of the detention of Raja Petra Kamar, Tan Hoon Cheng, and Teresa Kok. While Ms. Cheng has subsequently been released, Mr. Kamar and Ms. Kok remain in detention, deprived of access to family or legal representation.

All three were detained under Section 73(1) of the ISA based on “reasonable cause to believe that they were acting in a manner prejudicial to the security of Malaysia” reports stated. However, government sources have failed to clarify what threat, if any, the three posed.

Use of draconian measures under the ISA are permitted only under the most grave threats to public security, and not for silencing legitimate political activity and protected free speech, People’s Empowerment explained. The reported publications by Mr. Kamar and Ms. Cheng are clearly protected under Article 10 of the Malaysian Constitution, establishing the right to free speech, while the reported charges against Ms. Kok, a popular member of the Democratic Action Party, have been publicly established as false.

As a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the Malaysian government must uphold the principles of the ASEAN Charter, which it fully ratified earlier this year. Political use of the ISA by the Malaysian government is thus in clear breach of the principles of good governance, rule of law, and democracy repeatedly stated throughout the Charter.

In light of this grave breach, People’s Empowerment calls on the ASEAN Secretariat to take immediate action in order to secure the release of the remaining two detainees. Such violations of basic rights and norms, no longer remain a matter of “internal affairs” but affect all ASEAN member States.

“We can not remain indifferent to the persecution of civil society in any ASEAN State,” said Ms. Tajaroensuk. “Civil society across the region must take a stand to uphold rule of law and good governance in Southeast Asia”, explaining People’s Empowerments call for solidarity and support of the detained.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008






Selamat Hari Raya Adilfitri

Kepada Semua Kaum Melayu di Seluruh Malaysia
Daripda Parti DAP

Monday, September 15, 2008

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Lawatan kali ini dirancangkan bersama Lions Club of Ipoh Greentown dan juga Yayasan Orang Asli Perak(YOAP) YTP Encik Sukimi dan pegawai-2 dan serta rombongannya.Sumbangan kali ini adalah tiga puluh bungkus beras(10kg),susu,ubat dan sebagainya.Kampung yang bersama kita pagi tersebut iaitu:kampung pos slim,kampung raya,kampung pawong dan berberapa buah kampung lagi terlibat.

Pada lawatan tersebut kita perlu O A bersuara misalnya,masaalah yg di hadapi,keperluan bantuan,aduan/maklumbalas,keadaan suasana dan sebagainya.

Penduduk-2 O A dan penghulu O A mengucap bahawa kita mengmerlukan pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat Kerajaan kini,seringkali datang melawat dan memberi bantuan dan pertolongan tunjukajar kepada kita untuk meningkatkan kehidupan dan kemudahan-2 yang diingini selama ini.Akhirnya ingin mengucap"Selamat Berkhidmat,Sihat Dan Wala'fiat"kepada YB-2 Pakatan Rakyat ! ! ! SYABAS !

Friday, September 12, 2008




陆致仁怀疑对方存有政治议程多过恶作剧,他们极有可能与两年前以同样低贱手法丑化民主行动党另外3 位党要的幕后主使同一人。假使要搞政治对抗,绝对不是卑贱得做见不得光的过街网络老鼠。



Saturday, August 30, 2008


Pakatan Rakyat bersama PIBG,Dewan Perniagaan Cina Malaysia,wakil Kedutaan China, penyokong-2 dan ibubapa serta rombongannya.Para kehadiran adalah lebih kurang seribu orang di dewan sekolah tersebut.

Ucapan di umunkan oleh YAB MENTERI BESAR PERAK adalah memberi peruntukan sebanyak Rm 30,000 cek,cadangan menderma seutas tanah seluas lebih kurang1,000 hektar untuk sekolah menengah(SUWA)sahaja, iaitu 9 buah yang berada di negeri perak.

Sokogan pakatan rakyat kerajaan kepada sekolah tersebut untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan dan sebagainya.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Majlis Penyampaian DERMASISWA Rakyat Negeri Perak.

Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa pengurusan oleh yayasan perak.
Penyampaian majlis ini adalah untuk peringkat daerah kinta kepada pelajar-pelajar Institut pengajian tinggi awam(IPTA).
Pada hari tersebut para hadir adalah seramai 375 perserta bersama ibubapa.Dan cek dermasiswa a
dalah sebanyak RM 1,000 Ringgit untuk seorang pelajar.
Saya berharap cek tersebut dapat memberi bantuan dan bermakna kepada pelajar-2. Akhirnya, saya mengucap"" SELAMAT BELAJAR"". Terima-kaseh kepada paengurusan Yayasan Perak.


Kita bersama-sama menyambut hari kemerdekaan negera ke-51 ini dengan penuh semangat patiotisne dan bangga menjadi warganegara malaysia yang berdaulat lagi bermaruah ini.

Sesungguhnya ,generasi ke generasi telah silih berganti,tetepi patah tumbuh hilang berganti,kerana kecintaan terhadap pertiwt terus bersamarak,semuga allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh para pejuang kemerdekaan yang telah pergi mendahului kita.

Sambutan ini adalah sebagai mengenengi jasa dan bakti merdeka yang telah mempertaruhkan nyawa,jiwa dan raga bagi memastikan kesejahteraan dan keharmonian negara,seperti mana dinikmati kini.

Semagat kemederaan tidak akan luntur malahan akan terus dihayati generasi akan datang jika generasi kini terus berpegang pada nilai-nilai murni serta diandingkan dengan sikap taat setia pada negara.

Perpaduan dan kerjasama di kalangan masyarakat hendaklah dielihara dan dipertingkatkan,dengan harapan semoga interaksi yang baik mampu menyumbang kepada kecemerlangan RAKYAT DAN NEGARA.

Sebagai rakyat yang bertanggungjawab,kita perlu mempunyi inisiatif untuk maju dan meningkatan keupayaan serta kemahiran.

Dalam era teknologi bermaklumat dan globalisasi ini,kita perlu melengkapkan diri dengan perbagai ilmu dan kemahiran supaya kita boleh bertanding dan inovatif agar kita memiliki competitive edge dalam pasaran terbuka global.

Akhir kata,saya merakamkan pengahagaraan da terima kasih kepada semua gologan RAKYAT MALAYSIA

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Political Assasination !

22 Aug 2008, morning about 9:00am,my party members n myself met yb.jamaluddin at the ipoh sessions court to show our moral support against the conspiration of the BN goverment BPR in framing the pakatan rakyat YB's.
In a joint statement yesterday evening,the Menteri Besar of perak,state EXCO member,state assemblymens and pakatan rakyat party reps has agreed to present at the court compound this morning to lend thier unwavering support to the two YBs.
The statement also denies the existance of the RM 180mil project in which the Exco was implicated.
The accused was forced to open a bag left on a table by unknown person during the BPR raid.(Yb capt osman) The event and statement by witnesses and individuals leading to the arrest of both the Excos clearly shows the evil conspiration of the BN/UMNO goverment and BPR in trying to topple the Pakatan led Perak Goverment.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

dialog with residence welfare association-asbry road flat ipoh

attending dialog residence at jln hospital on lastg week around 8:oo pm(dewan serbaguna). conversation re:residence complaint about former gov.agreed in offer the res to buy back their ass lot in first priority.offer letter-rujukan 20570 pt-05-jan,, they carry out once again 2 new gov. 4 appeal.And apeal to police 4 tight security action.And a few minor public services need 2 b provide ex;welfare short term counter n cleanlin area work 2 b upgrade.Present;myself,asso chairperson,comittee n residence male\female.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

visiting central wet market ipoh.

Complaint regarding rusty metal roofing n drainage waste problem.Fish stall complaintner said that mpi maintainance division should pay more att on what they mention or complaint. I personally inform the person incharge En.reza(mpi market division) for discuss ion on wet market matter.The discussion is about to upgrade community services at market place n please take action after visiting(i said).I m confident that mpi(maintainance div.) will serve them better.mpi (main.div)will report to us every 2 week re:market matters.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Site Visit at Star Park Area,Ipoh

Flooding Issue

Date: 2nd August 2008

Site visit together with two males and lady officers from MBI Ipoh Engineering Department.

The problem we are facing here is why this big drainese having a poor digestion and it will be flood while raining within 20 minutes to their residence. MBI will study about it and get back to us ASAP.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


On behalf of the rakyat of Kepayang constituency, my heartiest congratulations to YAB Ir Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin on his appointment as Mentri Besar by His Royal Highness the Sultan of Perak Darul Ridzuan.

We sincerely hope that under your leadership and through our collective management, Perak will regain not only prominence and prosperity, but also become a model of good governance by the people for the people.

I look forward to a close working relationship with YAB and all colleagues at the Perak State Legislative Council for the benefit of our rakyat.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Terima kasih, nandriwanakam, seh-seh, thank you...

My sincere thanks to all my supporters who have spent time, money and energy to help me be elected as your representative in the Perak government.

I humbly pledge to give my best to help bring up issues that touches all of us and to help bring solutions to elevate problems in my constituency of Kepayang, in Perak and in our beloved country.

I ask for your continuous support to ensure I can carry out my responsibility to the fullest as I welcome constructive criticism with an open door policy. Please feel free to call or visit me or my staff at the service center at any time.

Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to serve you!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

What are the Ipoh City Councilors doing?

Political appointees to the Ipoh City Council have recently been roused awake to carry out their sworn duties... just because the election is around the corner!

After every election, we see these gentlemen and ladies being rewarded to the high-profile position of City Councilor with all the rights and benefits of this position (which includes the 'study tour' holiday to foreign countries), then sleep on their job for the next 4-5 years at the very expense of you and I, the taxpayers!

Then the next round of elections come and these 'representatives' of the local residents (just like their elected political bosses) would suddenly be the most hardworking citizen, crying foul and raising hell with the City Council officers over every tiny issue affecting their area of supervision. At times, it is hilarious how they vie over the tiniest publicity exposure and playing oneupmanship over one another in zealous frenzy to prove their 'worthiness' as champions of the people so that they can be reappointed.

How sad for all of us! Where were they when we need them to fight for our rights over simple tasks we pay the City Council to handle. Uncollected rubbish is left to rot and clogged drains are conveniently forgotten to be cleared until the next dengue outbreak or flooding in the vicinity! Where were they when the local council demolished temples and religious freedom is being silenced? Where were they when power is abused and authority is misused for personal benefits at the expense of the common people?

But they are always there at the forefront when there is favorable publicity mileage to be gained, when food and drinks are served, and recognition is given!

Isn't it time to change the system? Change right from the top at Parliament, at the State, down to the local city and municipal levels. Change the practice of political handouts, cronyism and other forms of political patronage! Change by electing new and responsible leaders at all levels because you are the reason these Councilors are there to do their job!!