Congratulation messages are streaming from all corners into our Menteri Besar DS Nizar's handphone non-stop this very moment after the official announcement of Pakatan Rakyat's victory in the Bukit Gantang Parlimentary by-election. DS Nizar won by a higher majority of almost 100% compared to the 2008 GE obtained by Allahyarhum YB Roslan (PAS).
The official result :
Mohd Jamaluddin Nizar (PAS) 21,860
Ismail Saffian (BN-Umno) 19,071
Kamarul Ramizu Idris (Ind) 62
Majority - 2,789 (In 2008, the majority was 1,566)
Majority - 2,789 (In 2008, the majority was 1,566)
The rakyat of Perak had spoken loud and clear - that the power grab by BN/UMNO of the Pakatan Rakyat Perak Goverment is illegal and void. The illegal menteri besar Zambry and his whole lot of kudeta excos must take note of this REFERENDUM and immediately retreat from their illegal positions before the rakyat takes further action to embarass and humiliate them. BN/UMNO and in particularly the jumping frog (in and out of UMNO) of Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohamad will definitely inform the people that this by-election is not a referendum with all their convenience excuses. Dr.M still think and regarded himself as someone who can manipulate and change the hearts and minds of the rakyat in one single day of campaigning in both the Bukits.
However, our Alahyarhum Roslan is having the last laugh, wherever he may be now (May he rest in peace now knowing that his constituents will well be taken care of by DS Nizar).
We will continue as before and all these while to uphold the Perak constitution and accord our full respect to the Sultan and his decisions knowing well that our beloved and learned Sultan will continue to protect his subjects.
Its is rather unfortunate that the illegal Perak Goverment was unable to deliver the gift of victory to celebrate the appointment of the 6th Prime Minister of Malaysia, DS Najib Tun Razak, just days after receiving a stream of congratulations from leaders all over the world (DS Najib Tun Razak was sworn in as the 6th Prime Minister on 3 April 2009) albeit the illegal power grab orchestrated by him.
And now what..............................................????? Look out for my next posting.......................