Sunday, January 25, 2009

Adun Bota: Dato Nasarudin Hashim Menyertai PKR

Berikut adalah kenyataan Dato Nasarudin Hashim berhubung kemasukan beliau ke dalam PKR:



Setelah membuat pertimbangan terutamanya apabila melihat perkembangan suasana politik khasnya arah tuju sokongan rakyat selepas Pilihanraya Umum ke 12 pada bulan Mac 2008, serta keadaan-keadaan yang wujud dalam parti dan kepimpinan Umno, saya dengan ini mengambil keputusan untuk keluar dari Umno dan seterusnya menyertai PKR iaitu salah satu parti dalam Pakatan Rakyat.
Keputusan ini diambil setelah lama meneliti dan mempertimbangkan kepentingan rakyat seluruhnya khususnya buat para penyokong dan pengundi saya di kawasan Dewan Undangan Negeri Bota:-
Saya amat yakin dengan kepimpinan Parti Keadilan Rakyat yang mempunyai iltizam dan idealisme yang kuat untuk memperjuangkan hak-hak dan kepentingan rakyat yang terdiri dari pelbagai kaum di negara ini.
Saya yakin Parti Keadilan Rakyat akan tetap menjunjung dan menghormati hak-hak yang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan khususnya dalam kedudukan Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa rasmi kebangsaan, kedaulatan Raja-Raja Melayu dan kedudukan Islam sebagai agama Persekutuan.
Saya percaya Parti Keadilan Rakyat dan rakan-rakan dalam Pakatan Rakyat mampu untuk menjadi sebuah permuafakatan komponen parti-parti yang lebih baik demi kepentingan rakyat seluruhnya.

Untuk membolehkan saya menjadi ADUN yang lebih berkesan dan memberi khidmat terbaik kepada penduduk setempat memandangkan Pakatan Rakyat sudah pun menubuhkan kerajaan di Negeri Perak.

After taking into consideration the development of the political atmosphere, specifically the direction of the public’s support since the 12th General Election in March 2008, and also the condition that exists now in Umno and its leadership, I have taken the decision to leave Umno and join PKR, one of the parties in Pakatan Rakyat, effective today.
This decision has been taken after a long study and consideration of the public’s interest in general, especially my supporters and voters in the state assembly area of Bota.
1. I am very confident in the leadership of PKR that has the will and strong idealism to fight for the rights and interest of the multiracial public in this country.
2. I am confident that PKR will uphold and respect the rights that are enshrined in the Federal Constitution especially the position of Bahasa Malaysia as the official language, the sovereignty of the Malay rulers and the position of Islam as the official religion.
3. I believe that PKR and its partners in Pakatan Rakyat can establish a stronger coalition of component parties for the interest of the general public.
4. This will enable me to be a more effective assemblyman and to offer the best service to the local residents, seeing as Pakatan Rakyat has already established government in Perak.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

To DIE or to RESIGN!!!

To DIE or to RESIGN!!!

The KT by-election is over and all euphoria has died down but the fact remains – only when there is a by-election or general election will the federal government (the custodian of our hard earn money) ditch out “goodies” to the particular constituency.

Suddenly, UMNO/BN ministers and menteri besar sees it fit to announce millions and millions of impending projects. The recent KT by-election saw goodies such as angpows, new roads, new buildings, oil royalties rolling into the constituency of the second richest state in Malaysia.

Among the goodies announced were :

1. Setting up of Tabung Kecemasan Nelayan involving RM1 million;
2. An allocation of RM150,000 for the development of Kuala Terengganu fishermen scheme (Skim pembangunan nelayan Kuala Terengganu);
3. Direct awarding (secara lambak) of 583 Class “F” tender worth RM15.8 million;
4. Construction of a cardiology unit of RM10 million;
5. Official opening ceremony of the construction of the Kubang Ikan (Kuala Terengganu) mosque on 15 January 2009;
6. Ground breaking ceremony for the construction of 1,200 units of Projek Perumahan Rakyat Termiskin (PPRT);
7. RM100million allocation for the construction of 1,000 units of low cost housing in Kuala Terengganu;
8. Contribution of RM6.1 million to Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan © Chung Hwa Wei Sin;
9. Contribution of RM2.5 million for the Kuala Terengganu Chinese community;
10. Announcement of RM50 million geran for Chinese schools;
11. Contribution of E-book pilot (computers) to 100 person in Kuala Terengganu.with a promise to further contribute 23,000 sets of E-book (computers), each costing RM1,300 to school children;
12. A total of 206 songket weaving entrepreneur receiving a set of Traditional Weaving Machine each worth RM695 per unit;
13. The oil royalty contribution of RM408.6 million to the Terengganu State government;
14. The official announcement of the widening of the inlet-outlet fishery harbour at Cenderiang Harbour .

Etc, etc, etc, etc ………………………….

All this happened just because of the passing away of a UMNO/BN member of Parliament and UMNO/BN needed to pour out all this sweetener in order to recapture the seat .

Can we just imagine what will happen if members of parliament and state assemblymens decide to sacrifice themselves (of cause not to commit suicide) by RESIGNING on a nationwide scale (without triggering a general election) on a regular basis?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Ipoh Central Market Old Wing - Retail Chicken Section

The more than 70 year old central market (old wing - retail chicken section) has finally lived out its old age. It was built before World War II without bolt and nuts and although most of the upperwooden pillars and beams remained strong and unscathed, the same cannot be said of the bottom part of the pillars due to daily exposure of cleansing water.

On 26th December 2008, one of the pillar gave way due to the bottom part eaten by termites, thus, resulting in other beams and pillars running out of allignment.

After being informed of the incident, the Datuk Bandar visited the market the very next day and an emergency meeting was held with all his staff concerned together with the councillor and Member of Parliment, YB Kulasegaran.

Safety to the public was the primary concern and the section was immediately declared unsafe and out of bound to all retailers and the public. The retailers affected were advised to relocate to other stores nearby in other that their business will not be affected. Electricity and water supply was immediately arranged for them.

Several upgrading proposals for the old wing were brought up and discussed. The engineering department of Dewan BandarayaIpoh (DBI) estimated that at least RM4.0 million is required to rebuild the old wing into a state of art building where the waste will be properly collected and disposed with well constructed drainages. The stench currently experienced by the public while shopping for our favourite chicken/duck parts will soon be history. As such, Dewan Bandaraya Ipoh on behalf of the state goverment welcomes viable proposals from contractors or developers the soonest possible.